(accordi chitarra, versione mobile)

Testo e accordi

Bicycle Song -- Red Hot Chili Peppers

Re La Sim
Here she comes in a suit and tie
Re La Sim
Shepard’s bush and a leopard’s pie
La Sol Re Sim
She marching to the funky beat of
Sol Re Mim
James Brown and his dancing feet
Re La Sim
Gonna set your fish on fire
Re La Sim
Pistol whipping of desire
La Sol Re Sim
So please do not resist your fate
La Re Sim
I’ll pick you up yes it’s a date
Do Re Mim
How could I forget to mention the bicycle is a good invention
Do Re
Sitting there in a silent movie
Beside the only girl who really ever moved me
Do Re
Happy days but sad I’m facin
Heaven knows that I’m on the case
Do Re Si
How could I forget to mention the bicycle
Sol Re Do
Somebody told the world
Sol Re Do
The beauty of your verse
Sol Re Do
My girl I heard it first
Sol Re Do
The beauty of your verse
Re La Sim
A sticky finger and a wicked taste
Re La Sim
Gotta a lot of love and a lyrical case
La Sol Re Sim
Be sure to write it in your book
Sol Re Mim
I promise not to look
Re La Sim
Wanna smell your sunny face
Re La Sim
Funny place but it's never a waste
La Sol Re Sim
I'd hop this fence to make amends
La Re Sim
I hope this movie never ends
Do Re Mim
How could I forget to mention the bicycle is a good invention
Do Re
Sitting there in a silent movie
Beside the only girl who really ever moved me
Do Re
Happy days but sad I’m facin
Heaven knows that I’m on the case
Do Re Si
How could I forget to mention the bicycle
Sol Re Do
Somebody told the world
Sol Re Do
The beauty of your verse
Sol Re Do
My girl I heard it first
Sol Re Do
The beauty of your verse
Sol Re Do
Somebody told the world
Sol Re Do
The beauty of your verse
Sol Re Do
My girl I heard it first
Sol Re Do
The beauty of your verse

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This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.

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