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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Life by the drop...
Trova midi MID, video di Life by the drop Vaughan Stevie Ray, scarica mp3 torrent di Life by the drop Vaughan Stevie Ray, video YouTube di Vaughan Stevie Ray Life by the drop
Vaughan Stevie Ray... Altri accordi di Vaughan Stevie Ray...
It took this song to make me find my forgotten 12-string Eko which was deep
buried in a closet for quite some time. I had it serviced and sat down to
learn the song. Here are the results:
Fist, the general outline. The intro and a couple more licks are after it.
|A |E7 |F#min |D7
|/ / / / |/ / / / |/ / / / |/ / / /
|Hello there |my old friend, |not so long ago it was |still the end
|A |E7 |F#min |D7
|/ / / / |/ / / / |/ / / / |/ / / /
|late outside|in the pouring rain|on our way up the road|we started over again
|F#min |D7 E7
|/ / / / |/ / / /
|living a dream |as though you're on top (?)
|F#min |D7 E7
|/ / / / |/ / / /
|my mind is aching |Lord it won't stop
|F#min D7 |E7 |A |A
|/ / / / |/ / |/ / / / |/ / / /
|that's how it happened living |life by the |drop |
|Up and down the road in our |worn out shoes
|talking about good things and |singing the blues
Paul D. (s3bz%transy(at) OR (phuckwheat(at) ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Life by the drop Vaughan Stevie Ray, scarica mp3 torrent di Life by the drop Vaughan Stevie Ray, video YouTube di Vaughan Stevie Ray Life by the drop
Vaughan Stevie Ray... Altri accordi di Vaughan Stevie Ray...
It took this song to make me find my forgotten 12-string Eko which was deep
buried in a closet for quite some time. I had it serviced and sat down to
learn the song. Here are the results:
Fist, the general outline. The intro and a couple more licks are after it.
|A |E7 |F#min |D7
|/ / / / |/ / / / |/ / / / |/ / / /
|Hello there |my old friend, |not so long ago it was |still the end
|A |E7 |F#min |D7
|/ / / / |/ / / / |/ / / / |/ / / /
|late outside|in the pouring rain|on our way up the road|we started over again
|F#min |D7 E7
|/ / / / |/ / / /
|living a dream |as though you're on top (?)
|F#min |D7 E7
|/ / / / |/ / / /
|my mind is aching |Lord it won't stop
|F#min D7 |E7 |A |A
|/ / / / |/ / |/ / / / |/ / / /
|that's how it happened living |life by the |drop |
|Up and down the road in our |worn out shoes
|talking about good things and |singing the blues
Paul D. (s3bz%transy(at) OR (phuckwheat(at) ...Continua: