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Scarica MP3, Karaoke In gods country...
Trova midi MID, video di In gods country U2, scarica mp3 torrent di In gods country U2, video YouTube di U2 In gods country
U2... Altri accordi di U2...
2 Sep 92 8:53 PDT
The original posting I had was correct, but you chose to remove it and
replace it with another person's posting, which was incorrect.
here is the corrected version, these chords are completely correct, I am
positive, plus they are from the U2 books.
In God's Country (from the album "The Joshua Tree")
D Am
Desert Sky
D Am
Dream beneath a desert sky
D Am
The rivers run But soon run dry
D Am
We need new dreams tonight
D Am
Desert rose
D Am
Dreamed I saw a desert rose
D Am
Dress torn in ribbons and in bows
love ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di In gods country U2, scarica mp3 torrent di In gods country U2, video YouTube di U2 In gods country
U2... Altri accordi di U2...
2 Sep 92 8:53 PDT
The original posting I had was correct, but you chose to remove it and
replace it with another person's posting, which was incorrect.
here is the corrected version, these chords are completely correct, I am
positive, plus they are from the U2 books.
In God's Country (from the album "The Joshua Tree")
D Am
Desert Sky
D Am
Dream beneath a desert sky
D Am
The rivers run But soon run dry
D Am
We need new dreams tonight
D Am
Desert rose
D Am
Dreamed I saw a desert rose
D Am
Dress torn in ribbons and in bows
love ...Continua: