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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Gettin better...
Trova midi MID, video di Gettin better Tesla, scarica mp3 torrent di Gettin better Tesla, video YouTube di Tesla Gettin better
Tesla... Altri accordi di Tesla...
Gettin' Better
by Tesla
from the album Mechanical Resonance.
This is the main part of the intro, and is played three times. I have
included some of the words for a bit of help. The three other bits of tab are
what comes after the main part each time through - if you know what I mean!!
I hope it's of use to somebody, but it really is very easy to play,
especially if you have the song. But it's nice. The rest of the song is just
straightforward chords and stuff. This is my first time entering tab and its
just from memory but I reckon its not a bad effort - very time consuming
though!! Any correspondence from other axemen (or women) would be good.
My e-mail address is at the end. Fingerpick those strings and enjoy!
Archie. words first time through.............................
2.fallin' rain.........................outside my...........
3.soon the sun will shine....................through my.....
2...window.....................all in all I.........
3...window.....................when it's gonna...........
2..know...........It's gettin' better.........every......... know I really couldn't.............
1st time through.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Gettin better Tesla, scarica mp3 torrent di Gettin better Tesla, video YouTube di Tesla Gettin better
Tesla... Altri accordi di Tesla...
Gettin' Better
by Tesla
from the album Mechanical Resonance.
This is the main part of the intro, and is played three times. I have
included some of the words for a bit of help. The three other bits of tab are
what comes after the main part each time through - if you know what I mean!!
I hope it's of use to somebody, but it really is very easy to play,
especially if you have the song. But it's nice. The rest of the song is just
straightforward chords and stuff. This is my first time entering tab and its
just from memory but I reckon its not a bad effort - very time consuming
though!! Any correspondence from other axemen (or women) would be good.
My e-mail address is at the end. Fingerpick those strings and enjoy!
Archie. words first time through.............................
2.fallin' rain.........................outside my...........
3.soon the sun will shine....................through my.....
2...window.....................all in all I.........
3...window.....................when it's gonna...........
2..know...........It's gettin' better.........every......... know I really couldn't.............
1st time through.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...Continua: