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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Seven caged tigers...
Trova midi MID, video di Seven caged tigers Stone Temple Pilots, scarica mp3 torrent di Seven caged tigers Stone Temple Pilots, video YouTube di Stone Temple Pilots Seven caged tigers
Stone Temple Pilots... Altri accordi di Stone Temple Pilots...
"Seven Caged Tigers" by Stone Temple Pilots
I saw a version of this posted, but it seems wrong to me. This is my first
transcription, but i practically learned to play the guitar through
transcriptions like these, so I think I can handle it. I gave the solo my
best effort, and I think it is mostly right, but if there are any
corrections, please let me know.
chords (I pretty much used mostly regular major chords, sometimes converted
into power chords)
G 355433
B 799877 or -244--
E 022100
D -577--
D# -688--
C -355--
A# 688766
intro/verse riff
G - B - E
D - C - B (after this, there is a 3-chord slide up, something like C-D-E)
E - D - C C/B (this is a slide down to B before starting next progression)
G - B - E
the first verse starts on the third line of this progression, like this...
Trova midi MID, video di Seven caged tigers Stone Temple Pilots, scarica mp3 torrent di Seven caged tigers Stone Temple Pilots, video YouTube di Stone Temple Pilots Seven caged tigers
Stone Temple Pilots... Altri accordi di Stone Temple Pilots...
"Seven Caged Tigers" by Stone Temple Pilots
I saw a version of this posted, but it seems wrong to me. This is my first
transcription, but i practically learned to play the guitar through
transcriptions like these, so I think I can handle it. I gave the solo my
best effort, and I think it is mostly right, but if there are any
corrections, please let me know.
chords (I pretty much used mostly regular major chords, sometimes converted
into power chords)
G 355433
B 799877 or -244--
E 022100
D -577--
D# -688--
C -355--
A# 688766
intro/verse riff
G - B - E
D - C - B (after this, there is a 3-chord slide up, something like C-D-E)
E - D - C C/B (this is a slide down to B before starting next progression)
G - B - E
the first verse starts on the third line of this progression, like this...