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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Pretty penny...
Trova midi MID, video di Pretty penny Stone Temple Pilots, scarica mp3 torrent di Pretty penny Stone Temple Pilots, video YouTube di Stone Temple Pilots Pretty penny
Stone Temple Pilots... Altri accordi di Stone Temple Pilots...
RPretty PennyS
by Stone Temple Pilots
arranged for computer tab by Kevin Gardner code(at)
Here it is, much to everyoneUs shock Dean plays this
song, and in fact the entire album in standard turning, sorry
no open turings on TPurpleU not even a drop high-D for RBig EmptyS.
Intro and verse, (Rhave you seen...S):
chorus, (Rgone.. when you wake...S):
intrumental section:
|-11--| strum this and then this -> |-11--|
|-11--| |-11--|
B = bent note
h = hammered on legatto
I belive that sending this transcription through e-mail has added some mysterious R's and S's please ignore them.
"Pretty Penny" by Stone Temple Pilots
Chords by Fred Gotfredson
Allright, people were wondering about this song, and it is rather easy.
* Both Guitar 1 and 2 are accoustic.
Trova midi MID, video di Pretty penny Stone Temple Pilots, scarica mp3 torrent di Pretty penny Stone Temple Pilots, video YouTube di Stone Temple Pilots Pretty penny
Stone Temple Pilots... Altri accordi di Stone Temple Pilots...
RPretty PennyS
by Stone Temple Pilots
arranged for computer tab by Kevin Gardner code(at)
Here it is, much to everyoneUs shock Dean plays this
song, and in fact the entire album in standard turning, sorry
no open turings on TPurpleU not even a drop high-D for RBig EmptyS.
Intro and verse, (Rhave you seen...S):
chorus, (Rgone.. when you wake...S):
intrumental section:
|-11--| strum this and then this -> |-11--|
|-11--| |-11--|
B = bent note
h = hammered on legatto
I belive that sending this transcription through e-mail has added some mysterious R's and S's please ignore them.
"Pretty Penny" by Stone Temple Pilots
Chords by Fred Gotfredson
Allright, people were wondering about this song, and it is rather easy.
* Both Guitar 1 and 2 are accoustic.