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Scarica MP3, Karaoke The kids...
Trova midi MID, video di The kids Reed Lou, scarica mp3 torrent di The kids Reed Lou, video YouTube di Reed Lou The kids
Reed Lou... Altri accordi di Reed Lou...
It's looks much worse than it is, and when you really hit those chords
HARD, with single strokes, it's very powerful.
Have your kids join in at the appropriate point :-)
A = 002220
A6 = 002222
As4 = 002230
A9 = 002200
A* = 000200
Av = x77655 (A shape at fifth)
Aix = x009b9 (D shape at ninth)
D = x00323
D9 = x00320
G = 320003 and MUST be played like this
Giii = x55433 (A shape at third)
Gvii = x00797 (A D shape at seventh)
h = hammer-on chord
Aix Gvii D Ds4 D
They've taken her children away
Because they said she was not a good mother
Aix Gvii D Ds4 D
Trova midi MID, video di The kids Reed Lou, scarica mp3 torrent di The kids Reed Lou, video YouTube di Reed Lou The kids
Reed Lou... Altri accordi di Reed Lou...
It's looks much worse than it is, and when you really hit those chords
HARD, with single strokes, it's very powerful.
Have your kids join in at the appropriate point :-)
A = 002220
A6 = 002222
As4 = 002230
A9 = 002200
A* = 000200
Av = x77655 (A shape at fifth)
Aix = x009b9 (D shape at ninth)
D = x00323
D9 = x00320
G = 320003 and MUST be played like this
Giii = x55433 (A shape at third)
Gvii = x00797 (A D shape at seventh)
h = hammer-on chord
Aix Gvii D Ds4 D
They've taken her children away
Because they said she was not a good mother
Aix Gvii D Ds4 D