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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Hello its me...
Trova midi MID, video di Hello its me Reed Lou, scarica mp3 torrent di Hello its me Reed Lou, video YouTube di Reed Lou Hello its me
Reed Lou... Altri accordi di Reed Lou...
Hello it's me - Lou Reed/John Cale
(from the album Songs for Drella, 1990)
Basically the chord progression is A F#m E.
Most of the time, however, the F#m is played
as a F#m7. The way the chords are played varies, I
only sorted out the first verse.
A F#m7 E A F#m E
A F#m7
Andy it's me haven't seen you in a while I wish I...
E A etc
when you were alive I thought ...
(at the end of the verse)
F#m7 E
Hello it's me
(I know I messed up the timing, but to play it correctly you'll have
to listen to the original anyway. It's too complex to put on paper
for me).
Andy it's me, haven't seen you in a while
I wished I talked to you more when you were alive
I thought you were self-assured when you acted shy
Someone please post something of Prince or Miles Davis. ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Hello its me Reed Lou, scarica mp3 torrent di Hello its me Reed Lou, video YouTube di Reed Lou Hello its me
Reed Lou... Altri accordi di Reed Lou...
Hello it's me - Lou Reed/John Cale
(from the album Songs for Drella, 1990)
Basically the chord progression is A F#m E.
Most of the time, however, the F#m is played
as a F#m7. The way the chords are played varies, I
only sorted out the first verse.
A F#m7 E A F#m E
A F#m7
Andy it's me haven't seen you in a while I wish I...
E A etc
when you were alive I thought ...
(at the end of the verse)
F#m7 E
Hello it's me
(I know I messed up the timing, but to play it correctly you'll have
to listen to the original anyway. It's too complex to put on paper
for me).
Andy it's me, haven't seen you in a while
I wished I talked to you more when you were alive
I thought you were self-assured when you acted shy
Someone please post something of Prince or Miles Davis. ...Continua: