(accordi chitarra, versione mobile)

Testo e accordi

Happiness Loves Company .. RHCP Red Hot Chili Peppers

Do#m Fa#m
Stop marching 'cause you think you shot to number one
Do#m Fa#m
Counting days and skipping your stones into the sun
Do#m Fa#m
Over edge and under thumb does it weigh a ton
Do#m Fa#m
I'll be yours tonight, living the dream of a meteorite
Mi Sim Re La
Stop jumping 'cause we've got something to say, yeah
Mi Sim Re La Fa#
Young lovers keep it pumping in the streets of L.A., yeah
Do#m Fa#m
Short stroking doesn't fly better to go for broke
Do#m Fa#m
Whatcha smoking Mary Jane? And does it make you choke
Do#m Fa#m
Jumping the fence, riding the waves, can you take a joke?
Do#m Fa#m
I'll be yours today, living the dream with a capital K
Mi Sim Re La
Stop jumping 'cause we've got something to say, yeah
Mi Sim Re La Fa#
Young lovers keep it pumping in the streets of L.A., yeah
Re La
Tell me now, I'll tell you how
Sim Sol
Just show me where to send
Re La Sol
Make time for love and your happiness
Re La Sol
The mothers of invention are the best
Re La Sol
We all know and struggle with some loneliness
Re La Sol
A tender mess for everyone I guess
I guess
Do#m Fa#m
Half blinded I'm reminded how to find my stairs
Do#m Fa#m
Nickel and dime I think it's time to play some musical chairs
Do#m Fa#m
Dirty laundry, what a wandering ask her if she cares
Do#m Fa#m
I'll be yours and more, better than ever like never before
Mi Sim Re La
Stop jumping 'cause we've got something to say, yeah
Mi Sim
Young lovers keep it pumping in the streets of L...
Re La Sol
Make time for love and your happiness
Re La Sol
The mothers of invention are the best
Re La Sol
We all know and struggle with some loneliness
Re La Sol
A tender mess for everyone I guess
I guess
Do#m Fa#m
Sweet talking, as I'm walking to your part of town
Do#m Fa#m
Never again, we're trying to see your love supremed and bound
Do#m Fa#m
Is it ever meant to be and is it so profound
Do#m Fa#m
Is it you and me a billion to one make history
Do#m Fa#m
A history
Do#m Fa#m
Said yeah, oh yeah
Do#m Fa#m
Said yeah, oh yeah
Do#m Fa#m
Said oh yeah, oh yeah

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