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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Dee...
Trova midi MID, video di Dee Randy Rhoads, scarica mp3 torrent di Dee Randy Rhoads, video YouTube di Randy Rhoads Dee
Randy Rhoads... Altri accordi di Randy Rhoads...
"DEE" by Randy Rhodes Transcribed by BLUESMAN
Dee is a a somewhat fast paced song, so I doubt that this transcription
will suffice without listening to the tape. It really is a basic song
compared with most classical songs. But Randy has added in a few tricks
here and there to make it sound difficult. Please forgive my non-standard
format. Bascially, when notes are bunched together such as right after
the first harmonic, you would fingerpick them rather quickly. I tried
to vaguely capture the timing of the song by spacing the notes this
harmonic slide
trill pulloff harmonic
po po po po po slide slide
slide slide harmonic
Trova midi MID, video di Dee Randy Rhoads, scarica mp3 torrent di Dee Randy Rhoads, video YouTube di Randy Rhoads Dee
Randy Rhoads... Altri accordi di Randy Rhoads...
"DEE" by Randy Rhodes Transcribed by BLUESMAN
Dee is a a somewhat fast paced song, so I doubt that this transcription
will suffice without listening to the tape. It really is a basic song
compared with most classical songs. But Randy has added in a few tricks
here and there to make it sound difficult. Please forgive my non-standard
format. Bascially, when notes are bunched together such as right after
the first harmonic, you would fingerpick them rather quickly. I tried
to vaguely capture the timing of the song by spacing the notes this
harmonic slide
trill pulloff harmonic
po po po po po slide slide
slide slide harmonic