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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Maggots in my soup...
Trova midi MID, video di Maggots in my soup Punx, scarica mp3 torrent di Maggots in my soup Punx, video YouTube di Punx Maggots in my soup
Punx... Altri accordi di Punx...
From melblanc(at) Sun May 4 10:29:46 1997
I've done my duty in transcribing a few punx songs. This is a small
band and no one probably even knows who they are, but they have some
good guitar riffs. Here's two of their songs, "Maggots in my Soup" and
"A Taste of Heaven."
"Maggots in my Soup"
verse chorus
Once again, the chorus rhythm matches the verse rhythm to a tee.
i spend a lifetime in a single day
i've tossed my burdens away
slowly climbing the steps
nothing to feel
no more skin on your face to peel
a tear and a memory
hundred dollar bills
a crowd to glorify my temptations
smoke in my ears
a week full of regrets
undressed, i sweat
Hope somebody gets some use out of these. Peace and chicken grease. ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Maggots in my soup Punx, scarica mp3 torrent di Maggots in my soup Punx, video YouTube di Punx Maggots in my soup
Punx... Altri accordi di Punx...
From melblanc(at) Sun May 4 10:29:46 1997
I've done my duty in transcribing a few punx songs. This is a small
band and no one probably even knows who they are, but they have some
good guitar riffs. Here's two of their songs, "Maggots in my Soup" and
"A Taste of Heaven."
"Maggots in my Soup"
verse chorus
Once again, the chorus rhythm matches the verse rhythm to a tee.
i spend a lifetime in a single day
i've tossed my burdens away
slowly climbing the steps
nothing to feel
no more skin on your face to peel
a tear and a memory
hundred dollar bills
a crowd to glorify my temptations
smoke in my ears
a week full of regrets
undressed, i sweat
Hope somebody gets some use out of these. Peace and chicken grease. ...Continua: