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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Disco 2000...
Trova midi MID, video di Disco 2000 Pulp, scarica mp3 torrent di Disco 2000 Pulp, video YouTube di Pulp Disco 2000
Pulp... Altri accordi di Pulp...
Suggestions and corrections are always welcome!
the wrong order, and then rearranging mine too. So I'd better correct these!
[F and Bb are played with an Fsus4 (well probably with a 6 too, but I
can't work that out right. Sus4 will do!) like
F Fsus4 F F F F F Fsus4 F (1 strum for each chord there) Listen
to the song and it'll make sense]
F Fsus4 Bb Bbsus4
Well we were born within an hour of each other
Our mothers said we could be sister and brother
Your name is Deborah. Deborah - it never suited you
Oh and they said that when we grew up
We4d get married and never split up
We never did it, although I often I thought of it
Cm [Csus2]
Oh Deborah, do you recall?
Cm Cm
Trova midi MID, video di Disco 2000 Pulp, scarica mp3 torrent di Disco 2000 Pulp, video YouTube di Pulp Disco 2000
Pulp... Altri accordi di Pulp...
Suggestions and corrections are always welcome!
the wrong order, and then rearranging mine too. So I'd better correct these!
[F and Bb are played with an Fsus4 (well probably with a 6 too, but I
can't work that out right. Sus4 will do!) like
F Fsus4 F F F F F Fsus4 F (1 strum for each chord there) Listen
to the song and it'll make sense]
F Fsus4 Bb Bbsus4
Well we were born within an hour of each other
Our mothers said we could be sister and brother
Your name is Deborah. Deborah - it never suited you
Oh and they said that when we grew up
We4d get married and never split up
We never did it, although I often I thought of it
Cm [Csus2]
Oh Deborah, do you recall?
Cm Cm