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Trova midi MID, video di Common people Pulp, scarica mp3 torrent di Common people Pulp, video YouTube di Pulp Common people
Pulp... Altri accordi di Pulp...
Hi guys - heres the chords for Common People by Pulp :-
COMMON PEOPLE by PULP from the album 'Different Class'
The chords to this song are straightforward - chord change every two bars
and there's only three chords in it. The keyboards on the recording play
the melody line throughout (at least when you can hear it in the quiet
bits) and you can mimic this on the guitar by hammering a sus4 on each of the
chords. The biggest problem in playing this song is that it varies in
speed as it meanders through Jarvis' moods. Lyrics are from the New Pulp Home
Page (http://ns.ph.liv.ac.uk:80/~mbs/plp/pulp_home/) - thanks to Martin Smith.
She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge
She studies sculpture at St. Martins College
That´s where I caught her eye
She told me that her dad was loaded
I said "In that case I´ll have a rum and coca-cola"
Trova midi MID, video di Common people Pulp, scarica mp3 torrent di Common people Pulp, video YouTube di Pulp Common people
Pulp... Altri accordi di Pulp...
Hi guys - heres the chords for Common People by Pulp :-
COMMON PEOPLE by PULP from the album 'Different Class'
The chords to this song are straightforward - chord change every two bars
and there's only three chords in it. The keyboards on the recording play
the melody line throughout (at least when you can hear it in the quiet
bits) and you can mimic this on the guitar by hammering a sus4 on each of the
chords. The biggest problem in playing this song is that it varies in
speed as it meanders through Jarvis' moods. Lyrics are from the New Pulp Home
Page (http://ns.ph.liv.ac.uk:80/~mbs/plp/pulp_home/) - thanks to Martin Smith.
She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge
She studies sculpture at St. Martins College
That´s where I caught her eye
She told me that her dad was loaded
I said "In that case I´ll have a rum and coca-cola"