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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Alone again...
Trova midi MID, video di Alone again Osullivan Gilbert, scarica mp3 torrent di Alone again Osullivan Gilbert, video YouTube di Osullivan Gilbert Alone again
Osullivan Gilbert... Altri accordi di Osullivan Gilbert...
From gio77(at) Mon Apr 28 11:41:59 1997
Hi! Here is my arrangement of this Gilbert O'Sullivan song. Even if I heard it only on Tv, I think the chords are right!
Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O'Sullivan
"Maison Ikkoku" opening theme [episode 24] (1986)
In a little while from now,
If I'm not feeling any less sour,
A7dim B7
I promise myself to treat myself
Em Em9
and visit a nearby tower,
Em Em9 Em7/Bb Em9/Bb
And climbing to the top Will throw myself off
D F#+
In an effort to Make it clear to who-
Bm Abm7/C
Ever what it's like when you're shattered,
Bbm Bbdim
Left standing in the lurch At a church
Fdim/E x79(10)97 ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Alone again Osullivan Gilbert, scarica mp3 torrent di Alone again Osullivan Gilbert, video YouTube di Osullivan Gilbert Alone again
Osullivan Gilbert... Altri accordi di Osullivan Gilbert...
From gio77(at) Mon Apr 28 11:41:59 1997
Hi! Here is my arrangement of this Gilbert O'Sullivan song. Even if I heard it only on Tv, I think the chords are right!
Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O'Sullivan
"Maison Ikkoku" opening theme [episode 24] (1986)
In a little while from now,
If I'm not feeling any less sour,
A7dim B7
I promise myself to treat myself
Em Em9
and visit a nearby tower,
Em Em9 Em7/Bb Em9/Bb
And climbing to the top Will throw myself off
D F#+
In an effort to Make it clear to who-
Bm Abm7/C
Ever what it's like when you're shattered,
Bbm Bbdim
Left standing in the lurch At a church
Fdim/E x79(10)97 ...Continua: