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Trova midi MID, video di Oribidoo Oldfield Mike, scarica mp3 torrent di Oribidoo Oldfield Mike, video YouTube di Oldfield Mike Oribidoo
Oldfield Mike... Altri accordi di Oldfield Mike...
Transcribed by Juha Kauppinen
This simple but lovely song is an excerpt from the ending of "Orabidoo" from
the album "Five Miles Out" by Mike Oldfield. The tab notation used might not
be exactly what you are used to but should be easy to follow. Connections
between the lyrics and the tab have been made with a ^ sign where possible.
Oh island of the soul / valleys hushed and
^ ^
white with snow / ( white with snow / )
^ ( ^ )
Ireland's eye /
^ ^
you linger with me / 'til the day I die /
^ ^ ^ ^
oh how it hurts to go /
^ ^
The waters ebb and flow / the changing seasons
^ ^
come and go / ( come and go / )
^ ( ^ )
Ireland's eye /
I------------------I------------------I------------------I------------------II ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Oribidoo Oldfield Mike, scarica mp3 torrent di Oribidoo Oldfield Mike, video YouTube di Oldfield Mike Oribidoo
Oldfield Mike... Altri accordi di Oldfield Mike...
Transcribed by Juha Kauppinen
This simple but lovely song is an excerpt from the ending of "Orabidoo" from
the album "Five Miles Out" by Mike Oldfield. The tab notation used might not
be exactly what you are used to but should be easy to follow. Connections
between the lyrics and the tab have been made with a ^ sign where possible.
Oh island of the soul / valleys hushed and
^ ^
white with snow / ( white with snow / )
^ ( ^ )
Ireland's eye /
^ ^
you linger with me / 'til the day I die /
^ ^ ^ ^
oh how it hurts to go /
^ ^
The waters ebb and flow / the changing seasons
^ ^
come and go / ( come and go / )
^ ( ^ )
Ireland's eye /
I------------------I------------------I------------------I------------------II ...Continua: