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Scarica MP3, Karaoke A tout le monde...
Trova midi MID, video di A tout le monde Megadeth, scarica mp3 torrent di A tout le monde Megadeth, video YouTube di Megadeth A tout le monde
Megadeth... Altri accordi di Megadeth...
[two versions]
____ ____ ___ ____
|Y\ /Y| ________ ________ ______ ________ _________ |YI |Y|
||\\Y//|| ||T___\! ||T~~~\! //\\ ||T~~\\\ ||T___\! |/~TYT~\| ||l___|||
||| Y ||| ||l_____ ||l__|Y| //<==>\\ ||l__/// ||l_____ |||MAT |||~~~|||
|^l |^l ~~~~~\| ~~~~~\|~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~\l ~ ~ ~ |^l |^|
|/ ~~~ ! ! ! ~~~ \|
! !
A tout le monde.
Tabbed By Mat. 25th November 1994.
This was tuff so it's not all there, but you can play along with the
song if you follow the tab carefully.
\ = Slide down; / = Slide up; b = bend to note
x = Palmute whilst muffling strings with left hand.
tr= Trill.
Tempo approx. 130 4/4.
Acoustic (Let Ring) Play 4x
Verse 1:
*********************************************************************** ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di A tout le monde Megadeth, scarica mp3 torrent di A tout le monde Megadeth, video YouTube di Megadeth A tout le monde
Megadeth... Altri accordi di Megadeth...
[two versions]
____ ____ ___ ____
|Y\ /Y| ________ ________ ______ ________ _________ |YI |Y|
||\\Y//|| ||T___\! ||T~~~\! //\\ ||T~~\\\ ||T___\! |/~TYT~\| ||l___|||
||| Y ||| ||l_____ ||l__|Y| //<==>\\ ||l__/// ||l_____ |||MAT |||~~~|||
|^l |^l ~~~~~\| ~~~~~\|~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~\l ~ ~ ~ |^l |^|
|/ ~~~ ! ! ! ~~~ \|
! !
A tout le monde.
Tabbed By Mat. 25th November 1994.
This was tuff so it's not all there, but you can play along with the
song if you follow the tab carefully.
\ = Slide down; / = Slide up; b = bend to note
x = Palmute whilst muffling strings with left hand.
tr= Trill.
Tempo approx. 130 4/4.
Acoustic (Let Ring) Play 4x
Verse 1:
*********************************************************************** ...Continua: