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Scarica MP3, Karaoke My foolish heart...
Trova midi MID, video di My foolish heart Mclaughlin John, scarica mp3 torrent di My foolish heart Mclaughlin John, video YouTube di Mclaughlin John My foolish heart
Mclaughlin John... Altri accordi di Mclaughlin John...
Hi Jazz fans,
here is a little piece for you. It is difficult to put all the notes
John actually played into the tablature. So, it's a must to hear the
My Foolish Heart
Music by Ned Washington
Words by Victor Young
Performed by John McLaughlin on "Electric Guitarist" (1976)
s slide
harm. harmonics (8va, flageolett)
up up-stroke
b play note immediately before the next
lr let ring
Use down-strokes except where indicated
Amaj7 C#m11 C9(+11) Bm9
F7(+9) D7(+9)(+11) C#m(add9) F#m(maj7) A7(sus4) A7(+11)
up ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di My foolish heart Mclaughlin John, scarica mp3 torrent di My foolish heart Mclaughlin John, video YouTube di Mclaughlin John My foolish heart
Mclaughlin John... Altri accordi di Mclaughlin John...
Hi Jazz fans,
here is a little piece for you. It is difficult to put all the notes
John actually played into the tablature. So, it's a must to hear the
My Foolish Heart
Music by Ned Washington
Words by Victor Young
Performed by John McLaughlin on "Electric Guitarist" (1976)
s slide
harm. harmonics (8va, flageolett)
up up-stroke
b play note immediately before the next
lr let ring
Use down-strokes except where indicated
Amaj7 C#m11 C9(+11) Bm9
F7(+9) D7(+9)(+11) C#m(add9) F#m(maj7) A7(sus4) A7(+11)
up ...Continua: