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Scarica MP3, Karaoke The springhill disaster...
Trova midi MID, video di The springhill disaster Mccoll Ewan, scarica mp3 torrent di The springhill disaster Mccoll Ewan, video YouTube di Mccoll Ewan The springhill disaster
Mccoll Ewan... Altri accordi di Mccoll Ewan...
[Am]In the town of [G]Springhill, [Am]Nova [G]Scotia,
[Am]Down in the dark of the [C]Cumberland [Am]mine,
[Am]There's blood on the [C]coal and the [G]miners [Em]lie
[Am]In the roads that [G]never saw [Am]sun nor [G]sky,
[Am]Roads that [G]never saw [Am]sun nor [E7]sky.
In the town of Springhill you don't sleep easy,
Often the Earth will tremble and roll;
When the Earth is restless, miners die;
Bone and blood is the price of coal,
Bone and blood is the price of coal.
In the town of Springhill, Nova Scotia,
Late in the year of '58,
Day still comes and the Sun still shines,
But it's dark as the grave in the Cumberland mine,
Dark as the grave in the Cumberland mine.
Down at the coal-face, miners working,
Rattle of the belt and the cutter's blade;
Rumble of rock, and the walls close 'round:
The living and the dead men two miles down,
Living and the dead men two miles down.
Twelve men lay two miles from the pit-shaft;
# 7 September 1992 ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di The springhill disaster Mccoll Ewan, scarica mp3 torrent di The springhill disaster Mccoll Ewan, video YouTube di Mccoll Ewan The springhill disaster
Mccoll Ewan... Altri accordi di Mccoll Ewan...
[Am]In the town of [G]Springhill, [Am]Nova [G]Scotia,
[Am]Down in the dark of the [C]Cumberland [Am]mine,
[Am]There's blood on the [C]coal and the [G]miners [Em]lie
[Am]In the roads that [G]never saw [Am]sun nor [G]sky,
[Am]Roads that [G]never saw [Am]sun nor [E7]sky.
In the town of Springhill you don't sleep easy,
Often the Earth will tremble and roll;
When the Earth is restless, miners die;
Bone and blood is the price of coal,
Bone and blood is the price of coal.
In the town of Springhill, Nova Scotia,
Late in the year of '58,
Day still comes and the Sun still shines,
But it's dark as the grave in the Cumberland mine,
Dark as the grave in the Cumberland mine.
Down at the coal-face, miners working,
Rattle of the belt and the cutter's blade;
Rumble of rock, and the walls close 'round:
The living and the dead men two miles down,
Living and the dead men two miles down.
Twelve men lay two miles from the pit-shaft;
# 7 September 1992 ...Continua: