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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Crash into me...
Trova midi MID, video di Crash into me Matthews Dave Band, scarica mp3 torrent di Crash into me Matthews Dave Band, video YouTube di Matthews Dave Band Crash into me
Matthews Dave Band... Altri accordi di Matthews Dave Band...
<Crash Into Me> <Lyrics by Dave Matthews>
<Copyright 1996 Golden Grey, Ltd.>
Transcribed by Justin Mayer - wyrpaladyn(at)worldnet.att.net
Just listen to the song a whole bunch of times and you'll see how the
changes I wrote come together. It's actually quite easy. The single notes
before a chord is when it goes dah and then the chord so they are played
close together.
Crash In-to Me Baby And I come into (Back into verse)
That's about it if you have any questions or don't understand something,
e-mail me.
Justin Mayer - wyrpaladyn(at)worldnet.att.net
by Dave Matthews Band
...as found on the Crash CD.
music transcribed by Chris Brockalnd
I learned this song listening to the CD (at my roomate Jay's request)
so it is pretty much as is. You can play it with normal tuning, or
you can drop the D down to an E if you prefer.
This tab is in normal tuning, I guess since I am lazy, it's easier -
on jammin'. ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Crash into me Matthews Dave Band, scarica mp3 torrent di Crash into me Matthews Dave Band, video YouTube di Matthews Dave Band Crash into me
Matthews Dave Band... Altri accordi di Matthews Dave Band...
<Crash Into Me> <Lyrics by Dave Matthews>
<Copyright 1996 Golden Grey, Ltd.>
Transcribed by Justin Mayer - wyrpaladyn(at)worldnet.att.net
Just listen to the song a whole bunch of times and you'll see how the
changes I wrote come together. It's actually quite easy. The single notes
before a chord is when it goes dah and then the chord so they are played
close together.
Crash In-to Me Baby And I come into (Back into verse)
That's about it if you have any questions or don't understand something,
e-mail me.
Justin Mayer - wyrpaladyn(at)worldnet.att.net
by Dave Matthews Band
...as found on the Crash CD.
music transcribed by Chris Brockalnd
I learned this song listening to the CD (at my roomate Jay's request)
so it is pretty much as is. You can play it with normal tuning, or
you can drop the D down to an E if you prefer.
This tab is in normal tuning, I guess since I am lazy, it's easier -
on jammin'. ...Continua: