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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Rat velvet...
Trova midi MID, video di Rat velvet Lemonheads, scarica mp3 torrent di Rat velvet Lemonheads, video YouTube di Lemonheads Rat velvet
Lemonheads... Altri accordi di Lemonheads...
RAT VELVET (E. Dando, J. Peretz, B.Deily)
see iot over there and in between my teeth
rat velvet
it's everything I look
and everywhere I feel
Tooth crack under foot and death's head
rustles near
coup deville in sign
cushioned razor smear
rat velvet
love my mom and pop
they gave me the rope
buttocks scream coagulating
never give up hope
love my dog and cat
shards of summer's blood
tooth defying death relying
Harold's under mud
hate my mothers smirk
hemaroidal hinge
laminated glory faded
Trova midi MID, video di Rat velvet Lemonheads, scarica mp3 torrent di Rat velvet Lemonheads, video YouTube di Lemonheads Rat velvet
Lemonheads... Altri accordi di Lemonheads...
RAT VELVET (E. Dando, J. Peretz, B.Deily)
see iot over there and in between my teeth
rat velvet
it's everything I look
and everywhere I feel
Tooth crack under foot and death's head
rustles near
coup deville in sign
cushioned razor smear
rat velvet
love my mom and pop
they gave me the rope
buttocks scream coagulating
never give up hope
love my dog and cat
shards of summer's blood
tooth defying death relying
Harold's under mud
hate my mothers smirk
hemaroidal hinge
laminated glory faded