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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Hot dog...
Trova midi MID, video di Hot dog Led Zeppelin, scarica mp3 torrent di Hot dog Led Zeppelin, video YouTube di Led Zeppelin Hot dog
Led Zeppelin... Altri accordi di Led Zeppelin...
From sportiga(at) Fri Oct 15 18:31:44 1993
id AA01541; Fri, 15 Oct 93 18:31:44 -0400
( id AA09806; Fri, 15 Oct 93 18:34:44 -0400
TAB and Chords for Led Zeppelin's Hot Dog (on In Through The Out Door, I
believe). For the lyrics that I was unsure of I put underlines, and for
the tab I was unsure of, I left blank. I also did not denote any hammer-ons/
pull-offs in the solo, and I am not sure whether or not they belong in the
beginning and at the end.
^ Hammer-On/Pull-Off
) Bend up
( Release Bend
Well I just got in to town today,
To find my girl has gone away,
She took the Greyhound in the general store.
Trova midi MID, video di Hot dog Led Zeppelin, scarica mp3 torrent di Hot dog Led Zeppelin, video YouTube di Led Zeppelin Hot dog
Led Zeppelin... Altri accordi di Led Zeppelin...
From sportiga(at) Fri Oct 15 18:31:44 1993
id AA01541; Fri, 15 Oct 93 18:31:44 -0400
( id AA09806; Fri, 15 Oct 93 18:34:44 -0400
TAB and Chords for Led Zeppelin's Hot Dog (on In Through The Out Door, I
believe). For the lyrics that I was unsure of I put underlines, and for
the tab I was unsure of, I left blank. I also did not denote any hammer-ons/
pull-offs in the solo, and I am not sure whether or not they belong in the
beginning and at the end.
^ Hammer-On/Pull-Off
) Bend up
( Release Bend
Well I just got in to town today,
To find my girl has gone away,
She took the Greyhound in the general store.