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Trova midi MID, video di Dyer maker Led Zeppelin, scarica mp3 torrent di Dyer maker Led Zeppelin, video YouTube di Led Zeppelin Dyer maker
Led Zeppelin... Altri accordi di Led Zeppelin...
From sportiga(at) Sun Oct 17 14:45:18 1993
id AA07894; Sun, 17 Oct 93 14:45:18 -0400
( id AA22596; Sun, 17 Oct 93 14:48:43 -0400
With all the discussion, I don't remember seeing the actual song, so here
Basically, it follows the pattern C Am F G (all E-form bar chords):
C Am F G
Oh oh oh oh oh, you don't have to go, ...
repeated endless number of times, until:
Am G
When I read the letter you wrote me, ...
which also repeats a few times before going back to the verse.
CETS Technical Staff | ksm(at)
| Steve Portigal, Dep't of CIS, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, N1G 2W1 |
| ~~~~~~~~ ask me about 'undercover' the Rolling Stones mailing list ~~~~~~~ |
| Sit down, get up, get out... |
Trova midi MID, video di Dyer maker Led Zeppelin, scarica mp3 torrent di Dyer maker Led Zeppelin, video YouTube di Led Zeppelin Dyer maker
Led Zeppelin... Altri accordi di Led Zeppelin...
From sportiga(at) Sun Oct 17 14:45:18 1993
id AA07894; Sun, 17 Oct 93 14:45:18 -0400
( id AA22596; Sun, 17 Oct 93 14:48:43 -0400
With all the discussion, I don't remember seeing the actual song, so here
Basically, it follows the pattern C Am F G (all E-form bar chords):
C Am F G
Oh oh oh oh oh, you don't have to go, ...
repeated endless number of times, until:
Am G
When I read the letter you wrote me, ...
which also repeats a few times before going back to the verse.
CETS Technical Staff | ksm(at)
| Steve Portigal, Dep't of CIS, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, N1G 2W1 |
| ~~~~~~~~ ask me about 'undercover' the Rolling Stones mailing list ~~~~~~~ |
| Sit down, get up, get out... |