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11 Oct 92 17:41 PDT
id AA21419; Sun, 11 Oct 1992 20:41:21 -0400
from Gretchen Goes To Nebraska
copyright 1989 Jetydosa Music
Transcribed by Brian King
parts after the singing stops. You can get by with one I have included, which
is sort of a combination of the two parts. Watch out for the Sign, and the Coda
markings. The time signature for PLEIADES is 4/4, noted at the beginning of
X string muted h hammeron p pulloff
/ slide up \ slide down R rest
r release bend ^ 1/4 step bend t tie note over
b bend to note in ( ) into next measure
`( ) whammy bar drop number of steps in ( ), then release.
| // |
| 2 // 2 | repeat previous measures - the number tells you
| // | how many of the previous measures to repeat
| // |
intro and verse
brian king ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Pleides Kings X, scarica mp3 torrent di Pleides Kings X, video YouTube di Kings X Pleides
Kings X... Altri accordi di Kings X...
11 Oct 92 17:41 PDT
id AA21419; Sun, 11 Oct 1992 20:41:21 -0400
from Gretchen Goes To Nebraska
copyright 1989 Jetydosa Music
Transcribed by Brian King
parts after the singing stops. You can get by with one I have included, which
is sort of a combination of the two parts. Watch out for the Sign, and the Coda
markings. The time signature for PLEIADES is 4/4, noted at the beginning of
X string muted h hammeron p pulloff
/ slide up \ slide down R rest
r release bend ^ 1/4 step bend t tie note over
b bend to note in ( ) into next measure
`( ) whammy bar drop number of steps in ( ), then release.
| // |
| 2 // 2 | repeat previous measures - the number tells you
| // | how many of the previous measures to repeat
| // |
intro and verse
brian king ...Continua: