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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Fall on me...
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Kings X... Altri accordi di Kings X...
1 Aug 92 23:14 PDT
id AA13320; Sun, 2 Aug 92 02:13:49 -0400
from Brian King, gt6851a(at)
from Gretchen Goes To Nebraska
Transcribed/Deciphered by Brian King
There is an alternate fill in the third verse. I have included
timing notes above the staff, using the standard system of
1e&a 2e&a 3e&a 4e&a, where each one is a sixteenth note (or rest.)
Therefore, 1&2&3&4& means straight eighth notes, and 1234 means
straight quarter notes. The numbers coincide with the onset of
note is a third of a beat. The time signature for Fall On Me is
Call me if you need help. Does anyone want a BASS TRANSCRIPTION for
this song? If so, let me know...
X string muted h hammeron p pulloff
/ slide up \ slide down R rest
r release bend ^ 1/4 step bend t tie note over
b bend to note in ( ) into next measure
`( ) whammy bar drop number of steps in ( ), then release.
| // |
Trova midi MID, video di Fall on me Kings X, scarica mp3 torrent di Fall on me Kings X, video YouTube di Kings X Fall on me
Kings X... Altri accordi di Kings X...
1 Aug 92 23:14 PDT
id AA13320; Sun, 2 Aug 92 02:13:49 -0400
from Brian King, gt6851a(at)
from Gretchen Goes To Nebraska
Transcribed/Deciphered by Brian King
There is an alternate fill in the third verse. I have included
timing notes above the staff, using the standard system of
1e&a 2e&a 3e&a 4e&a, where each one is a sixteenth note (or rest.)
Therefore, 1&2&3&4& means straight eighth notes, and 1234 means
straight quarter notes. The numbers coincide with the onset of
note is a third of a beat. The time signature for Fall On Me is
Call me if you need help. Does anyone want a BASS TRANSCRIPTION for
this song? If so, let me know...
X string muted h hammeron p pulloff
/ slide up \ slide down R rest
r release bend ^ 1/4 step bend t tie note over
b bend to note in ( ) into next measure
`( ) whammy bar drop number of steps in ( ), then release.
| // |