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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Jacob...
Trova midi MID, video di Jacob Jackopierce, scarica mp3 torrent di Jacob Jackopierce, video YouTube di Jackopierce Jacob
Jackopierce... Altri accordi di Jackopierce...
transcribed by Rob Bowen (rpbowen(at)
lyrics typed by COLINWISE(at)
cleaned up by Arabella Clauson (arabella(at)
"G" Dsus2 Em A G (for chorus)
||The picking pattern is too complex for me to write out, but is is
||important that you hammer on the third fret of first string and then off
||as you strike the bass G note
||the A before the chorus has a suspended lick in it
||listen for the 2nd string--it goes from fret 2 to 3 to 2 to 0
||(listen and you'll understand)
G Dsus2 G DSUS2
Jacob's a fine boy but his parents don't get along
G Dsus2
They hardly talk, when they do
Em A
He thinks he's done something wrong
Trova midi MID, video di Jacob Jackopierce, scarica mp3 torrent di Jacob Jackopierce, video YouTube di Jackopierce Jacob
Jackopierce... Altri accordi di Jackopierce...
transcribed by Rob Bowen (rpbowen(at)
lyrics typed by COLINWISE(at)
cleaned up by Arabella Clauson (arabella(at)
"G" Dsus2 Em A G (for chorus)
||The picking pattern is too complex for me to write out, but is is
||important that you hammer on the third fret of first string and then off
||as you strike the bass G note
||the A before the chorus has a suspended lick in it
||listen for the 2nd string--it goes from fret 2 to 3 to 2 to 0
||(listen and you'll understand)
G Dsus2 G DSUS2
Jacob's a fine boy but his parents don't get along
G Dsus2
They hardly talk, when they do
Em A
He thinks he's done something wrong