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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Rickovers dream...
Trova midi MID, video di Rickovers dream Hedges Michael, scarica mp3 torrent di Rickovers dream Hedges Michael, video YouTube di Hedges Michael Rickovers dream
Hedges Michael... Altri accordi di Hedges Michael...
I'm new to this group, so I don't know if anyone's
done this before, but here goes...
How to start "Rickover's Dream". This is not a
transcription because I can't take the
time to create one, but it may get you started enough
to play it.
1. Tune your guitar to CGDCBC
2. Point the first finger of your right hand and make it rigid
3. Place the first finger of your right hand over the
12th fret so that your finger covers all 6 strings
(like you were playing a slap harmonic-but don't slap)
4. Pull off all 6 strings with your left hand ABOVE
the 12th fret on the neck. If you get harmonics,
your right-hand finger is in the correct possition.
5. The beginning of the song is a series of pull-offs
all with the left hand like shown below. The notes
actually played are all harmonics because the
right-hand finger is creating them at the 12th fret.
6. O.k. then how does he get the open strings to ring out?
Glad you asked.
7. Move your right-hand up toward the ceiling until the
Don Adams ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Rickovers dream Hedges Michael, scarica mp3 torrent di Rickovers dream Hedges Michael, video YouTube di Hedges Michael Rickovers dream
Hedges Michael... Altri accordi di Hedges Michael...
I'm new to this group, so I don't know if anyone's
done this before, but here goes...
How to start "Rickover's Dream". This is not a
transcription because I can't take the
time to create one, but it may get you started enough
to play it.
1. Tune your guitar to CGDCBC
2. Point the first finger of your right hand and make it rigid
3. Place the first finger of your right hand over the
12th fret so that your finger covers all 6 strings
(like you were playing a slap harmonic-but don't slap)
4. Pull off all 6 strings with your left hand ABOVE
the 12th fret on the neck. If you get harmonics,
your right-hand finger is in the correct possition.
5. The beginning of the song is a series of pull-offs
all with the left hand like shown below. The notes
actually played are all harmonics because the
right-hand finger is creating them at the 12th fret.
6. O.k. then how does he get the open strings to ring out?
Glad you asked.
7. Move your right-hand up toward the ceiling until the
Don Adams ...Continua: