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Crea CD autoavvianti, menù, DVD... Sensore temperatura WiFi MQTT... Crea sito Web... Programma cataloghi prodotti Web CD... ControlHUB programmatore visuale domotica automazione MQTT WiFi GSM... Giochi gratis... Zio Paperone Finanza... Orologi luminosi anche giganti, radiocontrollati, temperatura... Good Software... Programmi gratis... Sensore remoto umidità terreno, WiFi, anche solare... Recensioni libri... Immagini gratis... VisionHost, hosting, spazio Web... Apri cancello garage WiFi Smartphone... Recensioni film... Sensore temperatura HTTP MQTT... Usa la chitarra... Strumenti musicali...
Scarica MP3, Karaoke Crazy on you...
Trova midi MID, video di Crazy on you Heart, scarica mp3 torrent di Crazy on you Heart, video YouTube di Heart Crazy on you
Heart... Altri accordi di Heart...
11 Dec 92 8:49 PST
id AA10604 (5.64+/UK-2.1-921111); Fri, 11 Dec 92 11:50:24 -0500
Fri, 11 Dec 92 11:51:14 EST
Here is my contribution to the archives. I have transcribed the acoustic
intro to crazy on you as it was taught to me; I understand that it appeared
a few years back in one of the guitar mags, but I have never seen it.
Thanks for doing a great job in maintaining the archives; I have grabbed many
of the selections stored there, and I hope that my small contribution will
repay in a small way for this fantastic resource.
_ _ __ ___ ___ __ __ _ _ _ Michael J. Hoffman
| |_| |/ .\| =| =| V | / \ | \| | Encore Computer Corporation
|_| |_|\__/|_| |_| |_|V|_|/_^_\|_|\_| mhoffman(at)
"I am logged in, therefore I am."
Here is the acoustic intro section to 'Crazy on You'. It is split into
several sections; this has the combined advantages of 1) helping to
break up the learning of it into smaller pieces, and 2) helping to
remember where you are, as there is some repetition and it is easy to
fall into a 'loop' :-)
I have added the symbol ^ under the tab to try to approximate the
|_| |_|\__/|_| |_| |_|V|_|/_^_\|_|\_| mhoffman(at) ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Crazy on you Heart, scarica mp3 torrent di Crazy on you Heart, video YouTube di Heart Crazy on you
Heart... Altri accordi di Heart...
11 Dec 92 8:49 PST
id AA10604 (5.64+/UK-2.1-921111); Fri, 11 Dec 92 11:50:24 -0500
Fri, 11 Dec 92 11:51:14 EST
Here is my contribution to the archives. I have transcribed the acoustic
intro to crazy on you as it was taught to me; I understand that it appeared
a few years back in one of the guitar mags, but I have never seen it.
Thanks for doing a great job in maintaining the archives; I have grabbed many
of the selections stored there, and I hope that my small contribution will
repay in a small way for this fantastic resource.
_ _ __ ___ ___ __ __ _ _ _ Michael J. Hoffman
| |_| |/ .\| =| =| V | / \ | \| | Encore Computer Corporation
|_| |_|\__/|_| |_| |_|V|_|/_^_\|_|\_| mhoffman(at)
"I am logged in, therefore I am."
Here is the acoustic intro section to 'Crazy on You'. It is split into
several sections; this has the combined advantages of 1) helping to
break up the learning of it into smaller pieces, and 2) helping to
remember where you are, as there is some repetition and it is easy to
fall into a 'loop' :-)
I have added the symbol ^ under the tab to try to approximate the
|_| |_|\__/|_| |_| |_|V|_|/_^_\|_|\_| mhoffman(at) ...Continua: