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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Paradise city...
Trova midi MID, video di Paradise city Guns N Roses, scarica mp3 torrent di Paradise city Guns N Roses, video YouTube di Guns N Roses Paradise city
Guns N Roses... Altri accordi di Guns N Roses...
id AA16145; Sun, 6 Mar 1994 19:13:54 -0500 for jamesb(at)
Transcribed by (?) Mark Phillips and Jon Chappell (editors)
Copyright 1989
Cherry Lane Music Company, Inc.
Typed by Patrick Cevasco
I tried to get the spacing as close to the book as possible. If I
could not fit the whole figure across the width of the page, I
continued it on the next line indented.
h = hammer
BF = bend full
BFR = bend full and release
BH = bend half
P.M. = palm mute
/\/\/ = vibrato
% = repeat previous
Tune down 1/2 step (one fret)
Rhy. Fig. 1
Fadd9 C G
% = repeat previous ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Paradise city Guns N Roses, scarica mp3 torrent di Paradise city Guns N Roses, video YouTube di Guns N Roses Paradise city
Guns N Roses... Altri accordi di Guns N Roses...
id AA16145; Sun, 6 Mar 1994 19:13:54 -0500 for jamesb(at)
Transcribed by (?) Mark Phillips and Jon Chappell (editors)
Copyright 1989
Cherry Lane Music Company, Inc.
Typed by Patrick Cevasco
I tried to get the spacing as close to the book as possible. If I
could not fit the whole figure across the width of the page, I
continued it on the next line indented.
h = hammer
BF = bend full
BFR = bend full and release
BH = bend half
P.M. = palm mute
/\/\/ = vibrato
% = repeat previous
Tune down 1/2 step (one fret)
Rhy. Fig. 1
Fadd9 C G
% = repeat previous ...Continua: