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Scarica MP3, Karaoke The goldheart mountaintop...
Trova midi MID, video di The goldheart mountaintop Guided By Voices, scarica mp3 torrent di The goldheart mountaintop Guided By Voices, video YouTube di Guided By Voices The goldheart mountaintop
Guided By Voices... Altri accordi di Guided By Voices...
The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory
from the Guided by Voices album Bee Thousand
Tabbed by Michael Diasio and Michael Davidson
Typed by Michael Davidson
On the album, the guitars are tuned down about a whole step, but it
sounds fine in standard, IMHO. The chords are all barre chords.
A - 577655
Ab/A - 477644
B - x2555x
D - x5777x
F - 133211
F# - 244322
G - 355433
riff x2
riff riff
Cold hands touching my face Don't hide the snake can see you
riff riff
Old friends you might not remember Fading away from you
G A riff
The goldheart mountaintop queen directory x2
Trova midi MID, video di The goldheart mountaintop Guided By Voices, scarica mp3 torrent di The goldheart mountaintop Guided By Voices, video YouTube di Guided By Voices The goldheart mountaintop
Guided By Voices... Altri accordi di Guided By Voices...
The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory
from the Guided by Voices album Bee Thousand
Tabbed by Michael Diasio and Michael Davidson
Typed by Michael Davidson
On the album, the guitars are tuned down about a whole step, but it
sounds fine in standard, IMHO. The chords are all barre chords.
A - 577655
Ab/A - 477644
B - x2555x
D - x5777x
F - 133211
F# - 244322
G - 355433
riff x2
riff riff
Cold hands touching my face Don't hide the snake can see you
riff riff
Old friends you might not remember Fading away from you
G A riff
The goldheart mountaintop queen directory x2