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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Echoes myron...
Trova midi MID, video di Echoes myron Guided By Voices, scarica mp3 torrent di Echoes myron Guided By Voices, video YouTube di Guided By Voices Echoes myron
Guided By Voices... Altri accordi di Guided By Voices...
'Echoes Myron' by Guided by Voices
from the album 'Bee Thousand'
The guitars are tuned a little sharp on this one, but not enough
to use a capo. Twist your pegs up until that opening G
sounds right.
This is how my aged ears heard the song, but I'm not totally
confident about the chords at the end...sometimes its hard to
hear through that lo-fi production...corrections are welcomed.
A - x02220 D - xx0232
B - x24442 E - 022100
Bm - x24432 Em - 022000
Bm/F# - 224432 F - 133211
C - x35553 G - 320003
G Bm/F# B C G Bm/F# B C
tower to the skies an academy of lies
Bm Em A D
Trova midi MID, video di Echoes myron Guided By Voices, scarica mp3 torrent di Echoes myron Guided By Voices, video YouTube di Guided By Voices Echoes myron
Guided By Voices... Altri accordi di Guided By Voices...
'Echoes Myron' by Guided by Voices
from the album 'Bee Thousand'
The guitars are tuned a little sharp on this one, but not enough
to use a capo. Twist your pegs up until that opening G
sounds right.
This is how my aged ears heard the song, but I'm not totally
confident about the chords at the end...sometimes its hard to
hear through that lo-fi production...corrections are welcomed.
A - x02220 D - xx0232
B - x24442 E - 022100
Bm - x24432 Em - 022000
Bm/F# - 224432 F - 133211
C - x35553 G - 320003
G Bm/F# B C G Bm/F# B C
tower to the skies an academy of lies
Bm Em A D