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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Birds without wings...
Trova midi MID, video di Birds without wings Gray David, scarica mp3 torrent di Birds without wings Gray David, video YouTube di Gray David Birds without wings
Gray David... Altri accordi di Gray David...
Birds Without Wings - by David Gray
from the album A Century Ends (Caroline Records, 1993)
Transcribed by Tower Kountze
David Gray is an incredible songwriter with a great voice. He has three
CDs out,
but for some reason no one knows him. I would love to see more of his
transcribed here, especially his more difficult stuff.
It's basically C and G with a slight variation on G (G*), and an A
thrown in toward the end.
The Cords are C, G, G*, except for one part shown below, where an
A is thrown in when "birds without wings" is repeated
Wishing that something would happen
a change in this place
'cause I'm tearing off the fancy wrapping
find an empty package
Take for a while your trumpet from your lip
loosen your hold, loosen your grip
on your old ways that have fallen out of step
in a changing time
hoist a new flag
birds without wings ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Birds without wings Gray David, scarica mp3 torrent di Birds without wings Gray David, video YouTube di Gray David Birds without wings
Gray David... Altri accordi di Gray David...
Birds Without Wings - by David Gray
from the album A Century Ends (Caroline Records, 1993)
Transcribed by Tower Kountze
David Gray is an incredible songwriter with a great voice. He has three
CDs out,
but for some reason no one knows him. I would love to see more of his
transcribed here, especially his more difficult stuff.
It's basically C and G with a slight variation on G (G*), and an A
thrown in toward the end.
The Cords are C, G, G*, except for one part shown below, where an
A is thrown in when "birds without wings" is repeated
Wishing that something would happen
a change in this place
'cause I'm tearing off the fancy wrapping
find an empty package
Take for a while your trumpet from your lip
loosen your hold, loosen your grip
on your old ways that have fallen out of step
in a changing time
hoist a new flag
birds without wings ...Continua: