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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Randomality...
Trova midi MID, video di Randomality Gangi Mike, scarica mp3 torrent di Randomality Gangi Mike, video YouTube di Gangi Mike Randomality
Gangi Mike... Altri accordi di Gangi Mike...
This song makes no sense, but Gangi wrote it, so here goes nothing...
Toothpaste tastes better with chili dogs and girls
Siberian yaks dance with several jerri curls
Books about pencils and kites are the best
Eastern Wales donkeys pass every AIDS test
The opposite of normality.
Full of originality.
As a very old man would scream in the rain,
"Good ass plays a bad role when there's pain!"
Q-tips get dirty in a pool full of Cheetos
Balkie Bartokamous was from the island of Mepos.
Gonzo's nose kind of resembles a limp dick.
Raise your hand if you thought my last line was sick!
Jabba the Hut just joined the Bulgarian mob,
Just because I play darts with Yoda at my job!
They should have made Mork and Mindy Underoos.
Trova midi MID, video di Randomality Gangi Mike, scarica mp3 torrent di Randomality Gangi Mike, video YouTube di Gangi Mike Randomality
Gangi Mike... Altri accordi di Gangi Mike...
This song makes no sense, but Gangi wrote it, so here goes nothing...
Toothpaste tastes better with chili dogs and girls
Siberian yaks dance with several jerri curls
Books about pencils and kites are the best
Eastern Wales donkeys pass every AIDS test
The opposite of normality.
Full of originality.
As a very old man would scream in the rain,
"Good ass plays a bad role when there's pain!"
Q-tips get dirty in a pool full of Cheetos
Balkie Bartokamous was from the island of Mepos.
Gonzo's nose kind of resembles a limp dick.
Raise your hand if you thought my last line was sick!
Jabba the Hut just joined the Bulgarian mob,
Just because I play darts with Yoda at my job!
They should have made Mork and Mindy Underoos.