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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Penny for your thoughts...
Trova midi MID, video di Penny for your thoughts Frampton Peter, scarica mp3 torrent di Penny for your thoughts Frampton Peter, video YouTube di Frampton Peter Penny for your thoughts
Frampton Peter... Altri accordi di Frampton Peter...
Penny for Your Thought written by Peter Frampton, off of Frampton Comes Alive
released somewhere around 1975:
Original poster:
Lee Van Dyke
(no current Email address or phone number)
This is pretty easy once you tune to an open G (DGDGBD) the 2 E'S down to a D
and the A down to G.
The first bit is on the high D starting at the 12th fret,
pull off and then quickly play sliding 3rds on the 2nd and 3rd string
starting at A (3rd str) C (2nd). The other part is ascending 3rds.
> The ascending thirds are played on the 2nd and 4th strings.
The verse part consists of bar chords at the V, III, VII frets.
> The chord is just a flat bar across the middle 4 strings.
Modified by:
Ralph Williams
Trova midi MID, video di Penny for your thoughts Frampton Peter, scarica mp3 torrent di Penny for your thoughts Frampton Peter, video YouTube di Frampton Peter Penny for your thoughts
Frampton Peter... Altri accordi di Frampton Peter...
Penny for Your Thought written by Peter Frampton, off of Frampton Comes Alive
released somewhere around 1975:
Original poster:
Lee Van Dyke
(no current Email address or phone number)
This is pretty easy once you tune to an open G (DGDGBD) the 2 E'S down to a D
and the A down to G.
The first bit is on the high D starting at the 12th fret,
pull off and then quickly play sliding 3rds on the 2nd and 3rd string
starting at A (3rd str) C (2nd). The other part is ascending 3rds.
> The ascending thirds are played on the 2nd and 4th strings.
The verse part consists of bar chords at the V, III, VII frets.
> The chord is just a flat bar across the middle 4 strings.
Modified by:
Ralph Williams