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(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4); id AA12373; Tue, 7 Sep 1993 14:01:58 +1000
(from u9150315(at)cs.uow.edu.au for jamesb(at)nevada.edu)
Words by Jim Morrison Music by The Doors
G5 Gm7
O x x x x
o | | | o |3fr. | | | | | |5fr.
| | | | | | | | o | | |
| o o | | | | | | | o o
T 3 4 1 3 4 4
Rhy.Fig.1 x8 (Vocals enter at the end of the 8th time)
Verse 1
Rhy.Fig.1 x10
1.Blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
Blood in the streets, it's up to my knee.
Blood on the streets, the town of Chicago.
Blood on the rise, it's following me.
Just about the break of day.
Wollongong Uni. ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Peace frog Doors, scarica mp3 torrent di Peace frog Doors, video YouTube di Doors Peace frog
Doors... Altri accordi di Doors...
(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4); id AA12373; Tue, 7 Sep 1993 14:01:58 +1000
(from u9150315(at)cs.uow.edu.au for jamesb(at)nevada.edu)
Words by Jim Morrison Music by The Doors
G5 Gm7
O x x x x
o | | | o |3fr. | | | | | |5fr.
| | | | | | | | o | | |
| o o | | | | | | | o o
T 3 4 1 3 4 4
Rhy.Fig.1 x8 (Vocals enter at the end of the 8th time)
Verse 1
Rhy.Fig.1 x10
1.Blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
Blood in the streets, it's up to my knee.
Blood on the streets, the town of Chicago.
Blood on the rise, it's following me.
Just about the break of day.
Wollongong Uni. ...Continua: