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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Take me down to the infirmary...
Trova midi MID, video di Take me down to the infirmary Cracker, scarica mp3 torrent di Take me down to the infirmary Cracker, video YouTube di Cracker Take me down to the infirmary
Cracker... Altri accordi di Cracker...
Take me Down to the Infirmary - Cracker
By Taylor
I figured out "Infirmary" a few minutes ago, it's really very easy.
I don't have the CD here to check the transcription, but if memory
serves, it should be pretty close.
I think it starts:
(Tacet) C G
Take me down, to the infirmary,
Am7 Am F
Lay me down, on cotton sheets.
With a damp cloth, on my forehead,
Lay me down, let me sleep...
G Am7 Am
I know the wiskey, it won't soothe my soul,
And the morphine won't heal my pain,
Am7 G Am F
But if you take me down to the infirmary, yea.
Trova midi MID, video di Take me down to the infirmary Cracker, scarica mp3 torrent di Take me down to the infirmary Cracker, video YouTube di Cracker Take me down to the infirmary
Cracker... Altri accordi di Cracker...
Take me Down to the Infirmary - Cracker
By Taylor
I figured out "Infirmary" a few minutes ago, it's really very easy.
I don't have the CD here to check the transcription, but if memory
serves, it should be pretty close.
I think it starts:
(Tacet) C G
Take me down, to the infirmary,
Am7 Am F
Lay me down, on cotton sheets.
With a damp cloth, on my forehead,
Lay me down, let me sleep...
G Am7 Am
I know the wiskey, it won't soothe my soul,
And the morphine won't heal my pain,
Am7 G Am F
But if you take me down to the infirmary, yea.