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Scarica MP3, Karaoke There is war...
Trova midi MID, video di There is war Cohen Leonard, scarica mp3 torrent di There is war Cohen Leonard, video YouTube di Cohen Leonard There is war
Cohen Leonard... Altri accordi di Cohen Leonard...
New Skin for the Old Ceremony and Cohen Live
Am Em/A Am Em7
1 e + e 2 e + e 3 e + e 4 e + e
|Am Em/A Am Em7|
There is a war between the rich and poor a
|Am Em/A Am |G C/G C C/D|
war be-tween the man and the woman.
|G C/G G |Am Em/A Am Em7 |
There is a war be-tween the ones who say there is a
|Am Em/A Am G/D |G C/G G C/D|
war and the ones who say there isn't.
G C/G G |D |C |
Why don't you come on back to the war, that's right, get
G C/G G C/G| G C/G G G|
in it, why don't you
D |C |G C/G G C/G|
come on back to the war, it's just beginning.
G C/G G G|
Well I
2nd verse
live here with a woman and a child,
Trova midi MID, video di There is war Cohen Leonard, scarica mp3 torrent di There is war Cohen Leonard, video YouTube di Cohen Leonard There is war
Cohen Leonard... Altri accordi di Cohen Leonard...
New Skin for the Old Ceremony and Cohen Live
Am Em/A Am Em7
1 e + e 2 e + e 3 e + e 4 e + e
|Am Em/A Am Em7|
There is a war between the rich and poor a
|Am Em/A Am |G C/G C C/D|
war be-tween the man and the woman.
|G C/G G |Am Em/A Am Em7 |
There is a war be-tween the ones who say there is a
|Am Em/A Am G/D |G C/G G C/D|
war and the ones who say there isn't.
G C/G G |D |C |
Why don't you come on back to the war, that's right, get
G C/G G C/G| G C/G G G|
in it, why don't you
D |C |G C/G G C/G|
come on back to the war, it's just beginning.
G C/G G G|
Well I
2nd verse
live here with a woman and a child,