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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Fairies wear boots...
Trova midi MID, video di Fairies wear boots Black Sabbath, scarica mp3 torrent di Fairies wear boots Black Sabbath, video YouTube di Black Sabbath Fairies wear boots
Black Sabbath... Altri accordi di Black Sabbath...
"Jack the Stripper/Fairies Wear Boots" from the Black Sabbath release Paranoid
(Warner Bros. 1970). Tabbed by Joe Richardson (jdrich(at)
x^y bend at xth fret to pitch of unbent note fretted at yth fret
(often only an aproximation)
p pull-off
h hammer-on
u undetermined fret for slide destination (as a grace note or
used as an ending slide/mute)
/ or \ slide up or down
= hold note while others are played
r release bend to pitch of following fret
(Use palm mute, heavy distortion, and delay w/echo set appropriatey.)
2nd guitar comes in slightly out of time (along with the accompanying drum
lick) at a much higher volume and plays this staff during the second time
the 1st guitar plays the above staff. Play 1X:
(play these notes in unison) (slide in unison, but
"stagger pick" as shown)
* -- grace slide
(back to unison picking) End FIG. A
Trova midi MID, video di Fairies wear boots Black Sabbath, scarica mp3 torrent di Fairies wear boots Black Sabbath, video YouTube di Black Sabbath Fairies wear boots
Black Sabbath... Altri accordi di Black Sabbath...
"Jack the Stripper/Fairies Wear Boots" from the Black Sabbath release Paranoid
(Warner Bros. 1970). Tabbed by Joe Richardson (jdrich(at)
x^y bend at xth fret to pitch of unbent note fretted at yth fret
(often only an aproximation)
p pull-off
h hammer-on
u undetermined fret for slide destination (as a grace note or
used as an ending slide/mute)
/ or \ slide up or down
= hold note while others are played
r release bend to pitch of following fret
(Use palm mute, heavy distortion, and delay w/echo set appropriatey.)
2nd guitar comes in slightly out of time (along with the accompanying drum
lick) at a much higher volume and plays this staff during the second time
the 1st guitar plays the above staff. Play 1X:
(play these notes in unison) (slide in unison, but
"stagger pick" as shown)
* -- grace slide
(back to unison picking) End FIG. A