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Trova midi MID, video di Kensington line Big Head Todd, scarica mp3 torrent di Kensington line Big Head Todd, video YouTube di Big Head Todd Kensington line
Big Head Todd... Altri accordi di Big Head Todd...
Kensington Line
Performed By Big Head Todd and The Monsters
>From the Album "Strategem"
Written By Todd Park Mohr
Transcribed By Kevin Simons- simons(at)sover.net
Introduction: A G A E
Continue this rythmn through the beginning of the verses, until the "Oh I'm falling down, hey I'm riding"
For this part the progression is: G D G E
Play this again, until you reach the "When the sleep..." part. For this play:
h- hammer on
p- pull off
Well, thats all there is to it. Just repeat the entire progression a couple times, and fool around with the solo(because I didn't want to bother to transcribe it) until it sounds o.k.
Any comments? email me at simons(at)sover.net
Trova midi MID, video di Kensington line Big Head Todd, scarica mp3 torrent di Kensington line Big Head Todd, video YouTube di Big Head Todd Kensington line
Big Head Todd... Altri accordi di Big Head Todd...
Kensington Line
Performed By Big Head Todd and The Monsters
>From the Album "Strategem"
Written By Todd Park Mohr
Transcribed By Kevin Simons- simons(at)sover.net
Introduction: A G A E
Continue this rythmn through the beginning of the verses, until the "Oh I'm falling down, hey I'm riding"
For this part the progression is: G D G E
Play this again, until you reach the "When the sleep..." part. For this play:
h- hammer on
p- pull off
Well, thats all there is to it. Just repeat the entire progression a couple times, and fool around with the solo(because I didn't want to bother to transcribe it) until it sounds o.k.
Any comments? email me at simons(at)sover.net