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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Named bjorn...
Trova midi MID, video di Named bjorn Behind the Basisits Base, scarica mp3 torrent di Named bjorn Behind the Basisits Base, video YouTube di Behind the Basisits Base Named bjorn
Behind the Basisits Base... Altri accordi di Behind the Basisits Base...
From erjo(at)algonet.se Fri Apr 18 10:49:50 1997
This is a song from the new uppcommimg Swedish band, Behind the Basisits
Base, the song is called, "Named Bjorn", from there debut album
"Famous shoemakers"
Play with all the energi you can release.
Main riff.
I am a little bit insaine how bout you?..........
chourus riff
Do sitt down have a beer be a star......
Punk session
d--5--7--5--7 Repeat 4 times, you hear the rythm on the record
a--5--5--3--5 (Damn good record)
They uses the chords during the solo.
Then back to main riff. 4 times. End on A.
I hope you like my transcription off the song. Play power chord
troughtdow. Mail me if you want the solo. I hope to transcript more of
the bands song of their debute record.
*Eric the guitar hero. ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Named bjorn Behind the Basisits Base, scarica mp3 torrent di Named bjorn Behind the Basisits Base, video YouTube di Behind the Basisits Base Named bjorn
Behind the Basisits Base... Altri accordi di Behind the Basisits Base...
From erjo(at)algonet.se Fri Apr 18 10:49:50 1997
This is a song from the new uppcommimg Swedish band, Behind the Basisits
Base, the song is called, "Named Bjorn", from there debut album
"Famous shoemakers"
Play with all the energi you can release.
Main riff.
I am a little bit insaine how bout you?..........
chourus riff
Do sitt down have a beer be a star......
Punk session
d--5--7--5--7 Repeat 4 times, you hear the rythm on the record
a--5--5--3--5 (Damn good record)
They uses the chords during the solo.
Then back to main riff. 4 times. End on A.
I hope you like my transcription off the song. Play power chord
troughtdow. Mail me if you want the solo. I hope to transcript more of
the bands song of their debute record.
*Eric the guitar hero. ...Continua: