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Scarica MP3, Karaoke Green monkey...
Trova midi MID, video di Green monkey America, scarica mp3 torrent di Green monkey America, video YouTube di America Green monkey
America... Altri accordi di America...
Green Monkey (by America) From the 1973 Album, Hatrick
Play with a steady heavy rock beat
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
(use this chord pattern over verses)
Verse 1
When the deep blue night is running close on your tracks,
And you can feel the green monkey crawling across your back.
Don't take me so real you forget how to feel,
Don't let the threat of the dagger turn your heart into steel.
Chorus (3rd time with tempo change (slow)
and 3-part harmony, not unlike CSN!)
Em9 A7
Smell the perfume of a silent dream,
Em9 A7
Fly the ocean read a story to me.
Em9 A7
Speak the wisdom of a redwood tree,
C (tacet)
speak to me. (to Intro 1 & 2)
Verse 2
So you think that star-cluster shining bright in the sky,
song and features Joe Walsh as guest lead guitarist). ...Continua:
Trova midi MID, video di Green monkey America, scarica mp3 torrent di Green monkey America, video YouTube di America Green monkey
America... Altri accordi di America...
Green Monkey (by America) From the 1973 Album, Hatrick
Play with a steady heavy rock beat
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
(use this chord pattern over verses)
Verse 1
When the deep blue night is running close on your tracks,
And you can feel the green monkey crawling across your back.
Don't take me so real you forget how to feel,
Don't let the threat of the dagger turn your heart into steel.
Chorus (3rd time with tempo change (slow)
and 3-part harmony, not unlike CSN!)
Em9 A7
Smell the perfume of a silent dream,
Em9 A7
Fly the ocean read a story to me.
Em9 A7
Speak the wisdom of a redwood tree,
C (tacet)
speak to me. (to Intro 1 & 2)
Verse 2
So you think that star-cluster shining bright in the sky,
song and features Joe Walsh as guest lead guitarist). ...Continua: